In CREAZEE Sprint 1, Massimo Curatella (Author) and Marco Genovesi (Musician and VFX Artist) talk about the creative process behind songwriting and ways to enter the creative flow.
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This episode is dedicated to David Orban, to whom I owe the motivation to do this.
YouTube Channel:
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Massimo Curatella:
Marco Genovesi
Music portfolio:
YouTube Channel:
Angels by Frank Polucci Official Video:
Lyrics (English and Italian):
Film director:
Alex Popescu:
0:00 Podcast introduction, thanks to David Orban
2:18 Marco Genovesi’s introduction. He wrote the lyrics for “Angels” by Frank Polucci
3:35 How to introduce guests. How to make a podcast interesting?
4:04 YouTube videos vs podcasts
4:51 Introducing multifaceted people in interesting ways
5:22 Skipping formality
8:15 The urge to communicate. Storytelling
8:58 Facilitating storytelling
9:34 Surprising yourself when creating is difficult
10:47 Writing song lyrics like sculpting
11:52 A song about human resilience
14:15 timeless content, trying to be helpful
15:16 Music as a Lifesaver
15:38 Successful communication of feelings through music
17:03 Synergy between the music and the words as the cause
18:37 You create music because you must
20:38 Happiness rather than success. Vangelis and habitual creativity
24:03 How to have creative continuity?
26:24 Thinking about creativity and creating all the time
27:50 Synesthesia: visualize the story to write the lyrics
28:27 Visualizing the story fosters inspiration
29:37 Increase concentration by removing distracting noises
29:43 Being in a trance-like state visualize dialogues
31:08 Stopping to reflect
32:01 Using all senses to get inspiration
33:09 Getting in the zone
33:46 Joyous dance of creative flow
34:54 Alex Popescu created a video clip using Unreal Engine
35:58 Visualizing sound to write words and writing words to create images
36:50 What if the music were already there?
37:37 Happy accidents
39:02 Variety of approaches and keep reinventing yourself
40:41 Music is to express feelings. Moderation and incrementalism
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I'm experimenting with having unplanned conversations with stimulating people. I record our sessions and I put them online. I want to have at least 10 of them and create a network of notes to use as the source of new ideas. I am at the sixth CREAZEE Sprint, now. Four in English and two in Italian. Will I make it to ten? David Orban was an enthusiastic CREAZEE Challenger during our Daily Writing Habit Challenge in 2021. I was very proud of seeing his unleashed creativity in following his own...
Watch CREAZEE Sprint 3 with Quinten Lockefeer. I met Quinten in Ness Labs, a community of creatives. I proposed a book club on “The Uncertainty Mindset” and we started to zoom-meet every week. It was about three years ago and we never stopped since. Quinten is a Joyful Creative Enzyme. We never had to plan our conversations. The sole fact of being online connected sparked in us the urge to talk. About what? Watch the video to have a sample. Consider it an excellent representation of what Q &...
Massimo Curatella (CREAZEE Sprint) and Antonella Pastore (Information Architect, Human-Centred Designer) discuss the design of complex processes with multiple stakeholders in the world of no-profits. Watch the video on YouTube CREAZEE: HOSTS Massimo Curatella: Antonella Pastore: SUMMARY The CREAZEE Sprint 2 session featured a conversation between Massimo Curatella and Antonella Pastore, an expert in...